Himachal Pradesh campaign No Horn please

Shimla: Himachal Pradesh department of Environment, Science and Technology in Shimla and Manali towns will organize a campaign for No Horn please series of event under “Horn Not Ok” campaign from 4th November to 20th November, 2019. This campaign was launched by Himachal CM Jai Ram in the month of August last year with a view to create awareness among common citizens and tourists about ill effects of noise pollution in Shimla and Manali towns.

Director, Environment, Science and Technology D.C Rana said that the awareness campaigns would also be organized among the school children by delivering lectures during the morning assembly and by way of assigning duty to them to affix stickers of “Horn Not Ok” in their parent’s cars. Debate, declaration, painting, essay writing on noise pollution theme would also be part of this campaign.

He said that the school children will be requested once in a week to stand outside the school with placard showing the messages like “No Horn Please”, “This is silence zone”, “School area No Horn please”, “Honking is prohibited in silence zone” etc. Special lectures would be organized in colleges of Shimla town like and the painting, debate, declamation, essay writing competitions would also be organized in a series on “Horn Not Ok” in schools and colleges of Shimla town.

D.C Rana said the Traffic Police, Shimla would start challans in and around Shimla town on noise due to pressure horns during this period. It would also be considered to declare a particular day for challaning w.r.t. “Horn Not Ok Campaign” in the town.

He said that special derive to create awareness among all stakeholder departments like drivers of GAD, HP PWD, I&PH department, H.P. Pollution Control Board, Regional Transport Office etc. and  taxi, truck operator unions of Shimla area will also be organized in the town. The awareness material and stickers will be distributed on 4, 5 13, 14, 18 and 19 November in Shimla and around.

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