Author: Dr. GR Sahibi

The Author is Dr. G.R. Sahibi retd. from Indian Forest services and now Senior Vice President of Saarthi Welfare Society Solan H.P

Plundering of natural resources by the North in the past and now being accountable for ecological debt have augmented the debate on ozone depletion and climate change. Developing strategies with comprehensive methodologies and adequate tools and designs for mitigation and adaptation has compelled scientists the world over to protect vulnerable groups, flora and fauna, biodiversity, and the entire terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, which are under tremor and facing threats of depletion of the ozone layer and extinction of species due to anthropogenic causes mainly industrialization, urbanisation, deforestation, infrastructure development, transportation, unsustainable growth, and LULUF (land use, land use changes, and…

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28 th July is celebrated as World Nature Conservation day. Conservation of Nature signifies the sustainable use of natural resources while ensuring their availability for the future generation. It is not like that we are doing something exclusively for Nature rather in a way helping ourselves with adequate food security, water security, livelihood security, health security and improving our economic status with quality of life. One needs to have compassion for Nature’s conservation and understand the eco-services like Pure air, water, minor forests produce, medicines, minerals and well splendid landscapes etc. The nature is known for providing tangible and intangible…

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